Grant H. Garcia, M.D

grant h. garcia, m.dOrthopedic Surgeon & Sports Medicine Specialist
Dr. Grant Garcia has advanced accredited fellowship training in sports medicine and shoulder surgery and this is the primary focus of his practice. He is very interested in return to sports after shoulder, knee and elbow injuries and surgeries, consistent with his athletic background. He has published over a dozen papers on this topic and his work has been featured widely including, Orthopedics Today and AAOS Now.
Dr. Garcia was an assistant team physician for the Chicago Bulls and Chicago White Sox. During residency, he also cared for players on the New York Giants, New York Mets, US Tennis Team, New York Rangers, New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets as well as many collegiate athletes.
He has authored over 70 publications in prominent peer review journals including American Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery and Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. He has presented more than 60 academic sports papers worldwide, in addition to authoring book chapters on advanced techniques in Sports Medicine. He currently serves as an Assistant Editor for Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine and is a reviewer for Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery and American Journal of Sports Medicine.
Dr. Garcia grew up on Mercer Island, WA, and during high school became an All-American swimmer and captain of the men’s swim team. His undergraduate degree is from Brown University, where he was captain of the varsity swim team. He received his Medical Degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. For Orthopedic Surgery residency, he attended the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, considered the top orthopedic residency in the U.S. During residency he also did a mini-shoulder fellowship in France with internationally renowned French shoulder surgeons. Finally, he completed his sports medicine and shoulder fellowship at Rush University in Chicago, recognized as a premier facility for these specialties.
Outside interests include sharing time with his family, wakeboarding, high intensity interval training and travel.
Grant H. Garcia, MD
2409 N 45th St,
Seattle, WA 98103
Office Number: 206-633-8100
- Mercer Island, Washington
- 2008–2012 M.D. University of Pennsylvania (School of Medicine) Philadelphia, PA
- 2004–2008 B.A. Brown University (Biology & Economics) Providence, RI
- 2018–Present Orthopedics Sports & Shoulder Surgeon at Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle
- 2017-2018 Orthopedic Surgery Sports Medicine Fellowship at Rush Medical Center
- 2017 Mini Shoulder Fellowship in Nice & Lyon, France
- 2013–2017 Orthopedic Surgery Resident at Hospital for Special Surgery, Cornell Medical Center
- 2013–2017 Clinical Associate in Orthopedic Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College
- 2012–2013 General Surgery Intern at NY Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center
- 2017-Present Reviewer for AJSM
- 2016-Present Associate Editor for BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders: Orthopedics-Sports/Shoulder Section
- 2016-Present Reviewer for JSES
- 2017-Present Member of AOSSM
- 2016-Present Member of AANA
- 2016-Present Member of AAOS
- 2013-Present Reviewer for Orthopedics
- 2017-2018 Reviewer for Cartilage
- 2017-2018 Reviewer for Sports Health
- 2017-2018 Reviewer for JAAOS
- 2017-2018 Reviewer for Wolters Kluwer Health: Medical Practice Book: 6 Chapters in Baseball Injuries
- 2016-2017 Associate Editor for Orthopedics Today
- 2011-2012 Co-President of The UPenn Leo Leung Orthopedic Society (LLOS)
- 2010-2011 3rd Year Medical Student Leader of The UPenn Leo Leung Orthopedic Society (LLOS)
- 2018-Present Shoreline Community College Team Physician
- 2018-Present Edmunds Community College Team Physician
- 2018-Present Team Physician Mercer Island High School Varsity Football
- 2017-2018 Assistant Team Physician Chicago White Sox’s
- 2017-2018 Assistant Team Physician Chicago Bulls
- 2017-2018 Assistant Team Physician Chicago Fire Professional Soccer Team
- 2017-2018 Assistant Team Physician Chicago Steel Hockey
- 2017-2018 Team Physician for North Fraction High School Varsity Football
- 2015-2016 Team Physician for LI City Varsity Football
- 2015 HSS Sports Grant For Accuracy of Suture Passage during Arthroscopic Remplissage ($6,000)
- 2015 HSS Sports Grant For Cadaveric Hill-Sachs Reduction Study ($27,700)
- 2011 Co-Collaborator and Grant Writer for Penn Orthopedics First Cadaver Study ($5,000)
- 2010 Penn Orthopedic Research Grant For MRI Remplissage Project ($8,800)
- 2009 National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute (NHLBI) Summer Research Grant ($3,400)
- 2016 EOA/EOEF Resident/Fellow Research Grant Award
- 2016-Present Member of Arthroscopy Association of North America
- 2016 AANA resident scholarship for 2016 Annual Meeting
- 2015 EOA/EOEF Resident/Fellow Research Grant Award
- 2010-Present Member American Academy for Orthopedic Surgeons
- 2007-2008 Sigma Xi Honor Society, Brown University
- 2008 Magna Cum Laude, Brown University
- 2007-2008 Captain of Brown University Varsity Men’s Swim Team
- 2006-2008 Scholastic All-American Brown University
- Agarwalla A, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Gowd AK, Puzzitiello RN, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. “Return to Sport Following Isolated Lateral Opening Wedge Distal Femoral Osteotomy".Accepted to Cartilage: April 2020.
- Agarwalla A, Christian DR, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Redondo ML, Gowd AK, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. “Return to Sport Following High Tibial Osteotomy with Concomitant Osteochondral Allograft TransplantationAccepted to AJSM: Feb 2020
- Cvetanovich GL, Naylor AJ, O’Brien M, Waterman BR, Garcia GH, Nicholson GP. Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty with an Inlay Glenoid Component: Clinical Outcomes and Return to ActivityAccepted to JSES: October 2019
- Agarwalla A, Christian DR, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Redondo ML, Gowd AK, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. “Return to Work Following High Tibial Osteotomy with Concomitant Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation”.Accepted to Arthroscopy: April 2019.
- Liu JN, Agarwalla A, Garcia GH, Christian DR, Redondo ML, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. “Return to Sport Following Isolated High Tibial Osteotomy.”Accepted to The Knee Journal: August 2019.
- Puzzitiello RN, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Redondo ML, Christian DR, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. Return to Sport after concominant Meniscus allograft transplantation with distal femoral osteotomy.
Accepted to Arthroscopy July 2019 - Forsythe B, Yanke A, Zuke W, Agarwalla A, Puzzitiello, Garcia GH, Verma N, Romeo A.Arthroscopic Suprapectoral and Open Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis Produce Similar Outcomes: A Randomized Prospective Analysis
Accepted to Arthroscopy. July 2019 - Gowd AK, Liu JN, Bohl DD, Agarwalla A, Cabarcas BC, Manderle BJ, Garcia GH, Forsythe B, Verma NN. Operative time as an independent and modifiable risk factor for short term complications following knee arthroscopy.
Accepted to Arthroscopy. 2019 Jan. In Press. - Fu M, Ondeck N, Nwachukwu B, Garcia G, Gulotta L, Verma N, Grauer J. Associations Between Comorbidity Indices and Postoperative Adverse Events Following Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Have Poor Receiver Operating Characteristics
Accepted to CORR Proof Pending - Agarwalla, A, Gowd, A, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Cole BJ, Verma NN, Forsythe B. The Effect on Operative Time on Short-Term Adverse Events Following Isolated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.
Accepted OJSM Proof Pending - Gowd AK, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Cabarcas BC, Manderle BJ, Verma NN. Open Biceps Tenodesis is Associated with Slightly Greater Short-Term Complications than Arthroscopic: Propensity Matched Analysis of the NSQIP Database.
Arthroscopy. In Press. - Garcia GH, Gowd AK, Carbarcas B, Liu JN, Romeo A, Verma NK. Asymptomatic MRI Findings of the Elbow Predict Injury and Surgery in Major League Baseball Pitchers
Accepted OJSM Proof Pending - Gowd AK, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Malaret M, Carbarcas B, Romeo AA. Comparative Analysis of Work-Related Outcomes in Hemiarthroplasty with Concentric Glenoid Reaming and Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
JSES, 2018 Sep 27. pii: S1058-2746(18)30553-6. PMID: 30269934. - Gowd AK, Liu JN, Cabarcas BC, Cvetanovich GL, Garcia GH, Verma NN. Analysis of Publication Trends for the 2011-2015 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting Abstracts.
OJSM. 2018 Sep 7;6(9):2325967118792851. PMID: 30211245 - Gowd AK, Liu JN, Cabarcas BC, Cvetanovich GL, Garcia GH, Verma NN. Current Concepts in Operative Management of Acromioclavicular Dislocation: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Operative Techniques.
American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2018 Oct 1:363546518795147 PMID: 30272997. - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Wong AC, Gowd AK, Romeo AA, Dines JS, Gulotta LV. The Shoulder Self-Administered Motion Evaluation Has Excellent Patient Reliability and Reproducibility on Both Physician and Repeat Follow-up Testing.
Orthopedics. 2018 Sep 17:1-7. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20180912-08. PubMed PMID: 30222789 - Gowd AK, Liu JN, Cabarcas BC, Garcia GH, Cvetanovich GL, Verma NN. Management of Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability with Bipolar Bone Loss: A Systematic Review to Assess Critical Bone Loss Amounts.
Am J Sports Med. 2018 Aug 27:363546518791555 PMID: 30148653. - Gowd Liu JN, Gowd AK, Garcia GH, Cvetanovich GL, Cabarcas BC, Verma NN. Recurrence Rate of Instability after Remplissage for Treatment of Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Systematic Review in Treatment of Subcritical Glenoid Bone Loss.
Arthroscopy. 2018 Sep 5. pii: S0749-8063(18)30452-3. PMID: 30195960. - Cabarcas BC, Garcia GH, Gowd AK, Liu JN, Romeo AA. Arthroscopic Superior Capsular Reconstruction and Over-the-Top Rotator Cuff Repair Incorporation for Treatment of Massive Rotator Cuff Tears.
Arthrosc Tech. 2018 Jul 16;7(8):e829-e837 PMID: 30167361; - Gowd AK, Cvetanovich GL, Liu JN, Cabarcas B, Garcia GH, Verma N. Arthroscopic Remplissage.
Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery. 2018 Dec 1;19(4):194-6 - Gowd AK, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Cabarcas BC, Verma NN. Arthroscopic Massive Rotator Cuff Repair and Techniques for Mobilization.
Arthrosc Tech. 2018 May 14;7(6):e633-e638. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2018.02.013. eCollection 2018 Jun. PubMed PMID: 29955569 - Cabarcas BC, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Gowd AK, Romeo AA. Double-Row Arthroscopic Subscapularis Repair: A Surgical Technique.
Arthrosc Tech. 2018 Jul 2;7(8):e805-e809. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2018.03.020. eCollection 2018 Aug. PubMed PMID: 30167357; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6112313. - Apostolakos J, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Dines JS, Romeo AA. Arthroscopic Soft-Tissue Reconstruction in Anterior Shoulder Instability: Journal Der Orthopäde, Issue: Aktueller Stand und Innovationen in der rekonstruktiven Schulterchirurgie
Accepted to Journal Der Orthopäde: Proof Pending - Puzzitiello, RN, Agarwalla A, Zuke W, Garcia GH, Forsythe B: New ACL Technique: B-TCP Bone Graft Substitute for BTB Donor Sites
Accepted to Arthroscopy Technique: Proof Pending - Agarwalla A, Puzzitiello, RN, Zuke W, Garcia GH, Forsythe B: Diagnosis of Injury to the Anterolateral Ligament in Patients with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries: A Systematic Reviews
Accepted to Arthroscopy: Proof Pending - Liu JN, Garcia GH, Wong AC, Sinatro A, Wu HH, Dines DM, Warren RF, Gulotta LV.Return to Work after Anatomic Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Patients Age 55 and Under: Average 5 year Follow Up
Orthopedics. 2018 May 1;41(3):e310-e315. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20180213-08. Epub 2018 Feb 19. PMID: 29451941 - Corpus KT, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Dines DM, Obrien SJ, Dines JS, Tayler SA. Long Head of Biceps Tendon Management: A Survey of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
HSS J. 2018 Feb;14(1):34-40. doi: 10.1007/s11420-017-9575-3. Epub 2017 Oct 13. PMID: 29398992 - Liu JN, Garcia GH, Gowd AK, Cabarcas BC, Charles MD, Romeo AA, Verma NN. Treatment of Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears in Overhead Athletes:
Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2018 Jan 13. doi: 10.1007/s12178-018-9459-2. PMID: 29330670 - Liu JN, Wu HH, Garcia GH, Kalbian I, Strickland S, Shubenstein B. Return to Sport after Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy for Patellofemoral Pain and Osteoarthritis
Arthroscopy. 2017 Dec 8. pii: S0749-8063(17)31210-0. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2017.09.021 PMID: 29229415 - Johnson C, Johnson D, Garcia GH, Degen R, Wang D, Williams R. High Short-Term Failure Rate Associated with Decellularized Osteochondral Allograft for Treatment of Knee Cartilage Lesions
Arthroscopy. 2017 Dec;33(12):2219-2227. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2017.07.018. PMID: 28967543 - Hurwit D, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Altchek D, Romeo A, Dines JS. Management of UCL Injury in Throwing Athletes: A Survey of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Nov;26(11):2023-2028. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2017.08.005. PMID: 28941974 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Wong A, Cordasco F, Dines JS, Dines DM, Gulotta LV, Warren RF. Hyperlipidemia Increases the Risk of Re-Tear After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Dec;26(12):2086-2090. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2017.05.009. PMID: 28735844 - Kahlenberg C, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Degen R, Dines JS. "The Intra-Articular “Wave Sign’ as a Landmark for Suture Anchor Placement in Arthroscopic Remplissage"
Orthopedics. 2017 Jun 29:1-5. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20170619-03.PMID: 28662251 - Liu JN, Steinhaus M, Garcia GH, Chang B, Gulotta L. “Return to Sports After Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Apr 13. doi: 10.1007/s00167-017-4547- PMID 28409200 - Liu JN, Garcia GH, Weeks D, Mcfarland L, Limpivasti O, Dines JS. “Treatment of Grade III Acromioclavicular Separations in Professional Baseball Pitchers: A Survey of Major League Baseball Team Physicians”
Accepted to American Journal of Orthopedics, Proof Pending - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Kahlenberg C, Hurwit D, Dines JS. "The "Safe Zone" Technique Improves Suture Placement and Accuracy During Arthroscopic Remplissage"
Orthopedics. 2017 Apr 18:1-6. doi: 10.3928/01477447-20170411-05. Epub PMID: 28418576 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Sinatro A, Wu HH, Dines JS, Warren R, Dines D, Gulotta L. High Satisfaction and Return to Sports After Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Age 55 and Younger
Am J Sports Med. 2017 Mar 1:363546517695220. Epub PMID: 28319426 - Garcia GH, Degen RM, Bui CN, McGarry MH, Lee TQ, Dines JS. Biomechanical comparison of acute Hill-Sachs reduction with remplissage to treat complex anterior instability.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Jan 25. pii: S1058-2746(16)30623-1. PMID: 28131690 - Hurwit DJ, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Mahony G, Wu HH, Dines DM, Warren RW, Gulotta LV. A Comparative Analysis of Work-Related Outcomes after Humeral Hemiarthroplasty and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Jan 11. pii: S1058-2746(16)30535-3. PMID: 28089256 - Wu HH, Dines J, Kelly JK, Garcia GH. Depression and psychiatric disease associated with outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Invited Review.
World J Orthop. 2016 Nov 18;7(11):709-717. Review. PMID: 27900267 - Johnson CC, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Stepan JG, Patel RM, Dines JS. Internet Resources for Tommy John Injuries: What are patients reading?
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Dec;25(12):e386-e393. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2016.07.073. PMID: 27745805 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Degen RM, Johnson CC, Wong A, Dines DM, Gulotta LV, Dines JS. Higher Critical Shoulder Angle Increases the Risk of Re-Tear After Rotator Cuff Repair
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Sep 1. pii: S1058-2746(16)30236-1. PMID: 27594085 - Johnson CC, Johnson DJ, Liu JN, Dines JS, Dines DM, Gulotta LV, Garcia GH. Return to sports after shoulder arthroplasty. Invited Review.
World J Orthop. 2016 Sep 18;7(9):519-26. PMID: 27672564 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Kahlenberg, C; Dines JS. Accuracy of Suture Passage during Arthroscopic Remplissage: What Anatomic Landmarks Can Improve It? A Cadaveric Study
Orthop J Sports Med. 2016 Aug 22;4(8):2325967116663497. PMID: 27606326 - Garcia GH, Fu M, Webb M, Dines D, Craig E, Gulotta L. The effect of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome on Early Complications and Length of Stay After Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Orthopedics. 2016 May 23:1-8 PMID: 27220114
Blue Ribbon Article Selection - Garcia GH, Taylor S, Fabricant P, Dines JS. Shoulder Instability Management: A Survey of the American Shoulder and Elbow Society
Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2016 Mar-Apr; 45(3):E91-7. PMID: 26991589 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Mahony G, Sinatro A, Wu HH, Craig E, Warren R, Dines D, Gulotta L. Hemiarthroplasty versus Total Shoulder Arthroplasty For Shoulder Osteoarthritis: A Matched Comparison of Return to Sports
Am J Sports Med. 2016 Mar 9. pii: 0363546516632527. PMID: 26960913 - Garcia GH, Wu H, Liu JN Huffman GR, Kelly J. Outcomes of The Remplissage Procedure and Its Effects on Return to Sports: Average Five-Year Follow Up
Am J Sports Med. 2016 Feb 17. pii: 0363546515626199. PMID: 26888881
*Selected as featured article and podcast recorded - Liu JN, Garcia GH, Mahony G, Wu H, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Sports after Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Comparative Analysis of Hemiarthroplasty and Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Feb 4. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2015.11.003. PMID: 26853758 - Garcia GH, Taylor S, Mahony G, DePalma B, Grawe B, Dines J, Dines D, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Work Related Outcomes
Orthopedics. 2016 Jan 22: 1-6. PMID: 26811957 - Johnson CC, Garcia GH, Garner MR, Marx RG. Quality of Life following ACL Reconstruction: Baseline predictors of patient-reported outcomes; An Evidence Based Review.
HSS J. 2016 Feb;12(1):94-7. doi: 10.1007/s11420-015-9473-5 Review. PMID: 26855636 - Garcia GH, Mahony G, Fabricant P, Wu H, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Sports and Work Related Outcomes after Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty
Am J Sports Med. 2016 Feb;44(2):490-6 .PMID: 26657261
*Selected as featured article and podcast recorded - Liu JN, Garcia GH, Conte S, ElAttrache N, Altchek D, Dines JS. Outcomes in Revision Tommy John Surgery in Major League Baseball Pitchers
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Jan; 25(1)90-7 PMID: 26687472 - Garcia GH, Wu H, Park MJ, Tucker B, Tjoumakaris F, Kelly J, Sennett B. Depression Symptomatology and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Incidence and Effect on Functional Outcome, A Prospective Cohort Study.
Am J Sports Med. 2015 Dec 1. PMID: 26628516
*Selected as featured article for editorial in AJSM - Psyched Down: AJSM 2016 44:569 - Garcia GH, Fu M, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Malnutrition: A Marker for Increased Complications, Mortality and Length of Stay After Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2016 Feb; 25(2): 193-200 PMID: 26456427 - Garcia GH, Taylor S, DePalma B, Mahony G, Grawe B, Dines J, Dines D, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Patient Activity Levels After Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: What Are Patients Doing?
Am J Sports Med. 2015 Nov;43(11):2816-21 PMID: 26316610 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Dines DM, Dines JS. Effect of bone loss in anterior shoulder instability.
World J Orthop 2015 Jun 18; 6(5): 421-33 PMID: 26085984 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Zhang C, Kelly J, Huffman GR. Large Hill-Sachs Lesion: a Comparative Study of Patients Treated with Arthroscopic Bankart Repair with or without Remplissage.
HSS Jrnl. 2015 Jul;11(2):98–103. PMID: 26140027 - Garcia GH, Taylor SA, Dy CJ, Christ A, Patel RM, Dines JS. Online Resources for Shoulder Instability: What are patients reading?
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Oct 15;96(20):e177 PMID: 25320207 - Garcia, GH, Elizabeth Gausden, Samuel A. Taylor, David M. Dines, and Joshua S. Dines. "Arthroplasty for Proximal Humerus Fractures: A Review of Current Management."
Techniques in Orthopaedics, 2013 Dec 28(4): 324-332. DOI: 10.1097/BTO.0000000000000028 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Baldwin KB, Flynn J, Spiegel DA. Do Routine Radiographs Within The First Two Years Following Pediatric Posterior Spinal Fusion Prompt Revision Surgery?
Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2013 Dec 1;38(25):2216-20 PMID: 24048089 - Garcia G, Park MJ, Baldwin KB, Fowler J, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. Comparison of Arthroscopic Osteochondral Substitute Grafting and Remplissage for Engaging Hill-Sachs Lesions
Orthopedics, 2013 Jan 1; 36(1): e38-e43 PMID: 23276350 - Park MJ, Garcia G, Malhotra A, Major N, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD 4th. The Evaluation of Arthroscopic Remplissage by High Resolution MRI
American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2012 Oct; 40(10): 2331-6. PMID: 22915480 - Park MJ, Tjoumakaris FP, Garcia G, Patel A, Kelly JD. Arthroscopic Remplissage with Bankart Repair for the Treatment of Glenohumeral Instability with Hill-Sachs Defects.
Arthroscopy. 2011 Sep;27(9):1187-94. PMID: 21820842 - Bernstein J, Garcia GH, Guevara JL, Mitchell GW. Progress Report: The Prevalence of Required Medical School Instruction in Musculoskeletal Medicine at Decade's End.
Clinical Orthopedic Related Research. 2011 Mar; 496(3): 895-897. PMID: 20683689 - Ionescu LC, Lee GC, Garcia GH, Zachary TL, Shah RP, Sennett BJ, Mauck RL. Maturation State Dependent Alterations in Meniscus Integration: Implications for Scaffold Design and Tissue Engineering.
Tissue Engineering Part A. 2011 Jan; 17(1-2): 193-204. PMID: 20712419.
- Romeo, AA, Garcia GH: Take it Easy: A Surgeon Perspective for Return to Sports after Joint Arthroplasty, Guest Commentary Orthopedics Today
Proof Pending - Garcia GH, Gulotta LV. “"Nearly All Shoulder Replacements Under Age 55 Return to Sports" AAOS 2017 Annual Meeting Media Program/Science Daily. March 2017. - Garcia GH, Kelly J. “High rate of return to sports seen after remplissage” Orthopedics Today. Aug 2016
- Liu JN, Garcia GH, Gulotta L. “Higher rate of return to sports seen with reverse TSA vs hemiarthroplasty” Orthopedics Today. Aug 2016.
- Garcia GH, Gulotta L. “Sports and Work After Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty” Orthopedics Today. June 2016{fe3e2e55-a58d-4a08-a905-f61a2f323a1d}/study-reports-on-return-to-work-play-after-shoulder-hemiarthroplasty
- Garcia GH, Gulotta L. “Malnutrition Increasing Complications in TSA” Orthopedics Today. August 2016.
- Garcia GH, Gulotta L. Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement Patients See 85 Percent Rate of Return to Sports. HSS main website. March 5. 2016.
- Garcia GH, Gulotta L. Featured authors for AJSM with recorded podcast on the blog: American Journal of Sports Medicine: Author Spotlight. Feb 2016.
- Liu JN, Garcia GH, Conte S, ElAttrache N, Altchek D, Dines JS. “What we’ve missed about Tommy John Surgery” April 2015 (Data used in article)
- Park MJ, Garcia GH, Malhotra A, Major NM, Kelly JD, Tjoumakaris FP. “Arthroscopic Remplissage successfully fills glenohumeral head defects, study finds”. Orthopedics Today. May 2012
- Hurwit D, Gulotta L, Dines J, Garcia G.Invited Chapter: “Management of Glenoid Bone Loss” EFOST Surgical Techniques in Sports Medicine - Shoulder Surgery, Volume 1: Instability and Trauma 1st Edition
Link: Amazon Book Link - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Gowd AK, Carbarcas B, Romeo A. “Arthroscopic Double Row Subscapularis Repair”. Video Atlas of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair. Thieme Medical Publishers Inc.
- Liu JN, Gowd A, Carbarcas B, Garcia GH, Verma N. “Revision Rotator Cuff Repair and Techniques for Mobilization”. Video Atlas of Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair. Thieme Medical Publishers Inc.
- Charles M, Garcia GH, Romeo A. “Shoulder Arthroplasty: Shoulder Osteoarthritis”. Rotator Cuff Across the Lifespan (From RC Repair to Shoulder Arthroplasty). Springer Publishers
- Garcia GH, Charles M, Romeo A. “Young Collegiate/Professional with Rotator Cuff damage (19-28)”. Rotator Cuff Across the Lifespan (From RC Repair to Shoulder Arthroplasty). Springer Publishers
- Garcia GH, Christian, DR, Redondo ML, Liu JN, Yanke AB, Cole BJ “Complications with Meniscal Allografts”. Complications in Orthopedics: Sports Medicine. Elsevier Publishers.
- Liu JN, Gowd AK, Garcia GH, Yanke AB. Factors to Consider in Cartilage Treatment Associated with Patellar Instability: TTO and Soft Tissue Management. Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine
- Manderle D, Beletsky A, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Verma N. “Open Latarjet Reconstruction: Tips for Success” Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine
- Liu JN, Gowd AK, Garcia GH, Manderle BJ, Cole BJ, Forsythe B, Verma NN Return to Sport and Exercise Following Repair of the Pectoralis Major Tendon
ICSES Annual Meeting September 2019 - Liu JN, Gowd AK, Garcia GH, Manderle BJ, Cole BJ, Forsythe B, Verma NN Return to Sport and Exercise Following Repair of the Pectoralis Major Tendon
AOSSM Annual Meeting July 2019 - Cabarcas BC, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Cvetanovich GL, Gowd AK, Manderle BJ, Verma NN, Romeo AA. Superior Capsular Reconstruction Patients Have High Rates of Return to Sports and Similar Functional Outcomes Compared to a Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Matched Cohort.
AOSSM Annual Meeting July 2019 - Garcia GH, Redondo M, Liu JN, Christian DR, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Concomitant Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation versus Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Comparative Matched-Group Analysis of Return to Sport and Satisfaction
AOSSM Annual Meeting July 2019 - Cvetanovich GL, Christian DR, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Redondo M, Southworth TM, Naveen NB, Yanke AB, Cole BJ. Patient Satisfaction and Return to Sports after Meniscal Allograft Transplantation
AOSSM Annual Meeting July 2019 - Garcia GH, Gowd AK, Carbarcas B, Liu JN, Romeo A, Verma NK. Asymptomatic MRI Findings of the Elbow Predict Injury and Surgery in Major League Baseball Pitchers
AAOS Annual Meeting March 2019 - Liu JN, Gowd AK, Carbarcas B, Garcia GH, Romeo A, Verma NK. Return to Sport after Distal Tibial Allograft Glenoid Reconstruction for Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability.
AAOS Annual Meeting March 2019 - Puzzitiello RN, Liu JN, Garcia GH, Redondo M, Christian D, Yanke A, Cole BJ. Return to Sport after Concomitant Meniscal Allograft Transplant and Distal Femoral Varus Osteotomy.
AAOS Annual Meeting March 2019 - Liu JN, Gowd AK, Carbarcas B, Garcia GH, Romeo A, Verma NK. Return To Sport Following Latarjet Versus Distal Tibia Allograft For Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Matched Cohort Analysis
AAOS Annual Meeting March 2019 - Garcia GH, Gowd AK, Carbarcas B, Liu JN, Romeo A, Verma NK. Radiographic Predictors of Elbow Injury and Surgery in Major League Baseball Pitchers
ASES Closed Meeting October 2018 - Liu JN, Gowd AK, Carbarcas B, Garcia GH, Romeo A, Verma NK. Return To Sport Following Latarjet Versus Distal Tibia Allograft For Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Matched Cohort Analysis
ASES Closed Meeting October 2018 - Fu MC, Ondeck NT, Nwachukwu BU, Garcia GH, Gulotta LV, Verma NN, Grauer JN. “Risk Prediction for Complications Following Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: Comparison of Receiver Operating Characteristics for Demographic and Comorbidity Indices.”
EOA Annual Meeting October 2018 - Garcia GH, Gowd AK, Carbarcas B, Liu JN, Romeo A, Verma NK. Radiographic Predictors of Elbow Injury and Surgery in Major League Baseball Pitchers
AOSSM Annual Meeting July 2018 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Wu HH, Sinatro A, Wong A, Dines D, Warren R, Gulotta L. High Satisfaction and Return to Sports after TSA: Age 55 And Younger
AOSSM Annual Meeting July 2017 - Liu JN, Wu HH, Garcia GH, Kalbian I, Strickland S, Shubenstein B. Return to Sport after Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy for Patellofemoral Pain and Osteoarthritis.
AANA Annual Meeting May 2017 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Johnson CC, Wong A, Dines D, Gulotta L, Dines J. Higher Critical Shoulder Angle Increases The Risk Of Re-Tear After Rotator Cuff Repair
AANA Annual Meeting May 2017 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Kahlenberg, C; Hurwit, D; Dines JS. The “Safe Zone” Technique Improves Suture Placement And Accuracy During Arthroscopic Remplissage: A Cadaveric Validation Of A Novel Technique
AANA Annual Meeting May 2017 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Kahlenberg, C; Hurwit, D; Dines JS. The “Safe Zone” Technique Improves Suture Placement And Accuracy During Arthroscopic Remplissage: A Cadaveric Validation Of A Novel Technique
AAOS Annual Meeting March 2017 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Wu HH, Sinatro A, Wong A, Dines D, Warren R, Gulotta L. High Satisfaction and Return to Sports after TSA: Age 55 And Younger
AAOS Annual Meeting March 2017 - Johnson C, Garcia GH, Liu JN, Patel R, Dines J. Elbow UCL Injury: How Poor Are Online Resources?
Eastern Orthopedic Association Oct 2016 - Liu J, Steinhaus M, Garcia G, Gulotta L. Return to Sport after Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis
Eastern Orthopedic Association Oct 2016 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Kahlenberg, C; Hurwit, D; Dines JS. The “Safe Zone” Technique Improves Suture Placement And Accuracy During Arthroscopic Remplissage: A Cadaveric Validation Of A Novel Technique
ASES Closed Meeting Oct 2016 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Kahlenberg, C; Dines JS. Accuracy of Suture Passage during Arthroscopic Remplissage: What Anatomic Landmarks Can Improve It?
AGA Kongress Sept 2016 - Garcia GH, Degen R, McCarry, M, Bui C, Lee TQ, Dines JS. Biomechanical Comparison of Acute Hill-Sachs Reduction and Remplissage to Treat Complex Anterior Instability: The Potential Benefits Of Anatomic Reconstruction
AGA Kongress Sept 2016 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Kahlenberg, C; Dines JS. Accuracy of Suture Passage during Arthroscopic Remplissage: What Anatomic Landmarks Can Improve It?
Society International of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Sept 2016 - Garcia GH, Wu H, Liu JN Huffman GR, Kelly J. Outcomes of The Remplissage Procedure and Its Effects on Return to Sports: Average Five-Year Follow Up
American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine July 2016 - Garcia GH, Degen R, McCarry, M, Bui C, Lee TQ, Dines JS. Biomechanical Comparison of Acute Hill-Sachs Reduction and Remplissage to Treat Complex Anterior Instability: The Potential Benefits Of Anatomic Reconstruction
American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine July 2016 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Mahony G, Sinatro A, Wu HH, Craig E, Warren R, Dines D, Gulotta L. Hemiarthroplasty versus Total Shoulder Arthroplasty For Shoulder Osteoarthritis: A Matched Comparison of Return to Sports
European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy (ESSKA) May 2016 - Liu JN, Garcia GH, Conte S, ElAttrache N, Altchek D, Dines JS. Revision UCL Surgery in MLB Players: Is It Higher Than We Think?
Arthroscopy Association of North America. April 2016 - Garcia GH, Wu H, Liu JN Huffman GR, Kelly J. Outcomes of The Remplissage Procedure and Its Effects on Return to Sports: Average Five-Year Follow Up
Arthroscopy Association of North America. April 2016 - Garcia GH, Degen R, McCarry, M, Bui C, Lee TQ, Dines JS. Biomechanical Comparison of Acute Hill-Sachs Reduction and Remplissage to Treat Complex Anterior Instability: The Potential Benefits Of Anatomic Reconstruction
Arthroscopy Association of North America. April 2016 - Garcia GH, Wu H, Liu JN Huffman GR, Kelly J. Remplissage Outcomes and Sports Affected: Average Five-Year Follow Up
Combined Orthopedic Association Meeting Aprli 2016 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Mahony G, Sinatro A, Wu HH, Craig E, Warren R, Dines D, Gulotta L. Hemiarthroplasty versus Total Shoulder Arthroplasty For Shoulder Osteoarthritis: A Matched Comparison of Return to Sports
Combined Orthopedic Association Meeting Aprli 2016 - Garcia GH, Wu H, Liu JN Huffman GR, Kelly J. Remplissage Outcomes and Sports Affected: Average Five-Year Follow Up
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons March 2016 - Liu JN, Garcia GH, Conte S, ElAttrache N, Altchek D, Dines JS. Revision UCL Surgery in MLB Players: Is It Higher Than We Think?
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons March 2016 - Garcia GH, Taylor S, DePalma B, Mahony G, Grawe B, Dines J, Dines D, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Patient Activity Levels After Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: What Are Patients Doing?
AAOS: ASES Open Specialty Day Mar 2016 Neer Award Finalist - Garcia GH, Taylor S, Mahony G, DePalma B, Grawe B, Dines J, Dines D, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty and Work Related Outcomes
German Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology (DKOU) Oct 2015 - Garcia GH, Wu H, Park MJ, Tucker B, Tjoumakaris F, Kelly J, Sennett B. Clinical Depression And ACL Reconstruction Incidence And Impact On Functional Outcome, A Prospective Cohort Study.
Eastern Orthopedic Association June 2015 EOA Resident Grant Award Winner - Garcia GH, Taylor S, DePalma B, Mahony G, Grawe B, Dines J, Dines D, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Patient Activity Levels After Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: What Are Patients Doing?
Eastern Orthopedic Association June 2015 - Garcia GH, Taylor SA, Dy CJ, Christ A, Patel RM, Dines JS. Online Resources for Shoulder Instability: What are patients reading?
Eastern Orthopedic Association. Oct 2014 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, James CE, Wiegand L, Jimenez RM, Major NM, Huffman R. MR Assessment of the Posterior Shoulder Capsule in Patients with GIRD: Comparison to Controls.
Western Orthopedic Association. July 2014 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Tjoumakaris F, Kelly J, Huffman GR. Why The Tenodesis? A Comparison of Large Hill-Sachs Lesions Treated By Remplissage or Isolated Bankart Repair.
Eastern Orthopedic Association Oct 2013 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Baldwin K, Drummond D, Spiegel DA. Do Findings on Post-Operative Radiographs Result in the Need for Additional Surgery after Posterior Spinal Fusion?
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. March, 2013 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Baldwin K, Drummond D, Spiegel DA. Do Findings on Post-Operative Radiographs Result in the Need for Additional Surgery after Posterior Spinal Fusion?
Scoliosis Research Society. September, 2012 - Park MJ, Garcia GH, Malhotra A, Major NM, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. The Evaluation of Arthroscopic Remplissage by High Resolution MRI: Are We Getting Our Fill?
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. February 2012 - Park MJ, Garcia GH, Malhotra A, Major NM, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. The Evaluation of Arthroscopic Remplissage by High Resolution MRI: Are We Getting Our Fill?
The American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine. February 2012 - James CE, Garcia GH, Jimenez RM, Park MJ, Wiegand L, Huffman R, Major NM. MR Assessment of the Posterior Shoulder Capsule in Patients with GIRD: Comparison to Controls.
The Radiological Society of North America. November 2011 - Park MJ, Garcia G, Baldwin KB, Fowler J, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. Comparison of Synthetic Osteochondral Grafting and Remplissage for Engaging Hill Sachs Lesions.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. February, 2011 - Park MJ, Garcia G, Baldwin KB, Fowler J, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. Comparison Of Arthroscopic Synthetic Osteochondral Substitute Grafting And The Remplissage Procedure For 'Engaging’ Hill Sachs Lesions.
Eastern Orthopedic Association. October, 2010 - Park MJ, Garcia G, Patel A, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. Arthroscopic Remplissage with Bankart Repair for the Treatment of Glenohumeral Instability with Hill-Sachs Defects.
Philadelphia Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine. June, 2010, Third Place Presentation - Lara Ionescu, Grant Garcia, Gregory Lee, Roshan Shah, Robert Mauck, Brian J. Sennett. In Vitro Meniscus Integration Potential is Inversely Correlated with Tissue Maturation State
Bioengineering Division of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. June, 2010 - Park MJ, Garcia G, Patel A, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. Arthroscopic Remplissage with Bankart Repair for the Treatment of Glenohumeral Instability with Hill-Sachs Defects.
Arthroscopy Association of North America. May, 2010 - Park MJ, Garcia G, Baldwin KB, Fowler J, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. Surgical Outcome of Arthroscopic Repair of Glenoid Defect: OATS vs. Remplissage
Arthroscopy Association of North America. May, 2010 - Ionescu, LC; Garcia, GH; Erickson, IE; Guevara, JL; Shah, RP; Sennett, BJ; Mauck, RL. In Vitro Meniscus Integration is Age Dependent.
Orthopedic Research Society. March, 2010
- Joseph Liu, Anirudh K. Gowd, Grant Garcia, Alexander Beletsky, Brandon Cabarcas, Anthony Romeo, Brian Cole, Greg Nicholson, Nikhil N. Verma. Factors affecting return to sport following open latarjet procedure for recurrent shoulder instability
AAOS 2020 Mar 2020 - Brandon C. Cabarcas, Joseph Liu, Anirudh K. Gowd, Grant Garcia, Brandon J. Manderle, Alexander Beletsky, Nikhil N. Verma. Short Term Clinical Outcomes Following Arthroscopic Suprapectoral Onlay Biceps Tenodesis with a Single Suture Anchor.
AOSSM 2019 July 2019 - Grant Garcia; Brandon Cabarcas; Anirudh K Gowd; Alexander Beletsky; Brandon Manderle; Joseph Liu; Anthony A Romeo; Nikhil N Verma. Asymptomatic MRI Findings are Predictive of Future Shoulder Injury in Major League Baseball Pitchers.
AANA 2019 May 2019 - Gowd AK, Liu JN, Cabarcas BC, Cvetanovich GL, Garcia GH, Verma NN. High Rates of Return to Work after Distal Tibial Allograft Glenoid Reconstruction for Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability: Average 5-year Follow Up
AAOS 2019 March 2019 - Gowd AK, Liu JN, Cabarcas BC, Cvetanovich GL, Garcia GH, Verma NN. Current Concepts in Operative Management of Acromioclavicular Dislocation: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Operative Techniques.
AAOS 2018 – Scientific Exhibit March 2019 - Garcia GH, Gowd AK, Liu JN, Malaret M, Carbarcas B, Romeo AA. Return to Sport Following Hemiarthroplasty with Concentric Reaming vs Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Matched Pair Analysis
SECEC – ESSSE Congress Sept 2018 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Kahlenberg, C; Dines JS. The “Safe Zone” Technique Improves Suture Placement During Remplissage
AOSSM Annual Meeting July 2017 - Garcia GH, Degen R, Liu JN, Johnson CC, Wong A, Dines D, Gulotta L, Dines J. Higher Critical Shoulder Angle Increases The Risk Of Re-Tear After Rotator Cuff Repair
ASES Closed Meeting Oct 2016 - Hurwit DJ, Garcia GH, Degen RM, Berkanish P, Tetreault D, Williams RJ. Combined ACL reconstruction and osteochondral allograft use for ACL deficiency and osteochondral defects: outcomes and return to sports
International Cartilage Repair Society Sept 2016 - Garcia GH, Fu M, Webb M, Dines D, Craig E, Gulotta L. The effect of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome on Early Complications and Length of Stay After Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Society International of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Sept 2016 - Garcia GH, Liu JN, Mahony G, Sinatro A, Wu HH, Craig E, Warren R, Dines D, Gulotta L. Hemiarthroplasty versus Total Shoulder Arthroplasty For Shoulder Osteoarthritis: A Matched Comparison of Return to Sports
American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine July 2016 - Garcia GH, Mahony G, Fabricant P, Wu H, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Sports and Work Related Outcomes after Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty
European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy (ESSKA) May 2016 - Garcia GH, Fu M, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Malnutrition: A Marker for Increased Complications, Mortality and Length of Stay After Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy (ESSKA) May 2016 - Garcia GH, Taylor S, DePalma B, Mahony G, Grawe B, Dines J, Dines D, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Patient Activity Levels After Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: What Are Patients Doing?
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Mar 2016 - Liu JN, Garcia GH, Conte S, ElAttrache N, Altchek D, Dines JS. Revision UCL Surgery in MLB Players: Is It Higher Than We Think?
ASES Closed meeting Oct 2015 - Garcia GH, Taylor S, DePalma B, Mahony G, Grawe B, Dines J, Dines D, Warren R, Craig E, Gulotta L. Patient Activity Levels After Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: What Are Patients Doing?
The American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine. July 2015 - Garcia GH, Wu H, Park MJ, Tucker B, Tjoumakaris F, Sennett B, Kelly J. Prevalence of Clinical Depression Among Patients Undergoing ACL reconstruction and Correlation with Functional Scores.
Western Orthopedic Association Aug 2013 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Wu H, Sennett B, Tjoumakaris F, Kelly J. Prevalence of Clinical Depression Among Patients Undergoing ACL reconstruction and Correlation with Functional Scores.
Arthroscopy Association of North America April 2013 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Tjoumakaris F, Kelly J, Huffman GR. Why The Tenodesis? A Comparison of Large Hill-Sachs Lesions Treated By Remplissage or Isolated Bankart Repair.
Arthroscopy Association of North America April 2013 - McHale K, Garcia G, Park MJ, Kelly JD. Arthroscopic Localization of the Coracohumeral ligament.
Arthroscopy Association of North America April 2013 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Kelly J, Huffman GR. Why The Tenodesis? A Comparison of Large Hill-Sachs Lesions Treated By Remplissage or Isolated Bankart Repair
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. March, 2013, Selected for sports/arthroscopy guided poster tour - McHale KJ, Park MJ, Garcia GH, Kelly JD. Arthroscopic Localization of the Coracohumeral ligament.
Philadelphia Orthopedic Research Society. June, 2012 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, Baldwin K, Drummond D, Flynn J, Spiegel DA. Do We Need Post-Operative X-Rays? Radiographic Findings and Their Correlation to Complications After Posterior Spinal Fusion in Pediatric Patients
Philadelphia Orthopedic Research Society. June, 2012 - Garcia GH, Park MJ, James CE, Wiegand L, Jimenez RM, Major NM, Huffman R. MR Assessment of the Posterior Shoulder Capsule in Patients with GIRD: Comparison to Controls.
Arthroscopy Association of North America. May, 2012 - Park MJ, Garcia G, Patel A, Tjoumakaris FP, Kelly JD. Arthroscopic Remplissage with Bankart Repair for the Treatment of Glenohumeral Instability with Hill-Sachs Defects.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. March, 2010
- 2018 Mitek/Depuy Fellows Course
- 2018 Vail Multi-ligamentous Symposium
- 2018 Arthrex Fellows Course
- 2018 18th International Sports Medicine Fellows Hip and Cartilage Conference
- 2017 Tournier Fellows Course
- 2017 AAOS Orthopedic Coding and Reimbursement Course
- 2017 AOSSM Sports Fellows Course
- 2015 AANA Master Experience Course: Fundamentals in Arthroscopy
- 2013 AO Basic Principles
- 2011 LLOS Musculoskeletal Anatomy Lecture Series, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Co-Founder and Speaker - 2011 First Year Anatomy Course, University of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine
Teaching Assistant - 2009 Mckay Orthopedic Research Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania
Research Assistant in Orthopedic Surgery
Meet Grant H. Garcia, MD
5350 Tallman Ave NW, Ste 500
Seattle, WA 98107(206) 784-0676
2409 45th Street
Seattle, WA 98103(206) 633-6107